One of the most important characteristics of sound in terms of human continues is that when a sound and image occur at the same time, we perceive it as one event but not two, our mind automatically search for patterns.
Sound is often shown as a accompaniment towards the images, however, it can actually shape what we see, and alter our understanding of images. For example a character dialogue can often lead the audience to a certain focus with in the frame. An offscreen sound can hint to the audience what may be going to happen, with out sound we might not even realise some of the details of a certain frame only with sound the images could work well in a narrative. Sound in another word would be the narrator of a motion picture, it leads the audience eyes to the things the director is focusing on.
Reading sound film art
"An abrupt silence can jolt us and arrest our attention (7.5, 7.6). Just as color film
turns black and white into grades of color, so the use of sound in film will include
all the possibilities of silence."
lack of sound can actually be a type of effect and can draw attention and forces the audience to focus on the image, and allow more space for own interpretation and imagination.
This effect can actually be used in my animation as an effect to draw attention, in the montage part of my film, which is flashing black and white images of the chernobyl 20 years ago. with silence on that part of the film would make a huge difference in terms of how the audience interrupt the film, and drags the focus on to that as the "climax" of the film.
Sound also represents distance
The further the sound comes from the softer the sound may sound to be, this is often used in most films, as dialogue of characters comes in the back ground music or noise turns down.
Most importantly sound effects creates the "realness" of a film with out sound effects the silence would make the film look dull and not lively. Which would be distracting to the audience, music acts as something similar only it usually is used to fill in the gaps between dialogue and silence, and of course to create mood.
Sound is actually used quite unrealisticly in most modern films, it very often act as a device to shift attention of the audience on the certain subject with in the frame, in a beginning of a scene something could be so loud that you can not ignore, while later in the scene when focused in characters dialogue the noise completely fades.
Sound can even be used in hiding certain changes and shot change, with sound it links the images in to a flow, almost always act as a
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